Powered entirely by renewable energy, Open Origin’s advanced production will meet the growing market demand for carbon-free fuels, driving the global green energy transition. Our industrial-scale green fuel production is vital for meeting energy needs.

Green Ammonia: Future-Ready Fuel

Emission-free fuels produced from 100% renewable energy

Green ammonia is a future-ready fuel with clean combustion properties and efficient long-term energy storage capabilities. It provides a carbon-free alternative to marine gas oil, significantly reducing emissions in the high-impact maritime shipping industry while supporting a wide range of applications in the chemical sector.


Growing energy demand and limited green options

Global Energy Demand Growth: Nations and industries worldwide urgently need energy to power growth in transportation and shipping.  

Unmet Global Demand for Carbon-Free Fuel in Transportation and Shipping:
The global shipping industry faces international market pressure to reduce its contribution of global greenhouse gas emissions and comply with new regulations in European ports.  

Scalability and Land Use Concerns:
Existing green fuel sources like biodiesel and ethanol face challenges with cost, availability, and scalability, while also potentially competing for land use with life-sustaining farming.

open origin solution

Green ammonia

Global Production: Open Origin will build multiple production facilities across the American Southwest and the Australian Outback, to balance energy production across hemispheres and seasons. With advanced technology and expert operators, we will produce green ammonia at industrial-scale and support offtake clients worldwide.

True Carbon-Free Fuel: Using 100% renewable energy, Open Origin will produce emission-free green ammonia, eliminating the need for carbon emission credits.  

Economic and Community Benefits: Our self-sustaining facilities generate jobs without relying on local power or water supplies, while minimizing concerns for competitive land use.  

Green Solutions: We will harness advanced electrolysis and desalination technologies to establish an industry-leading cost structure. By deploying industrial-scale facilities worldwide to balance renewable intermittency, we will provide a competitive, scalable alternative fuel production.